Sunday, April 19, 2020

Market Hires New Manager!

Hi all,

I am super excited to introduce myself as the 2020 Wallowa County Market Manager! I am excited
to be able to assist the market in continuing to bring fresh, local food and quality handmade items to
our community. Even though this year may have some challenges with safety and handling protection,
I think we will have a great year.

I grew up here in Wallowa County and recently moved back so my children can finish school here in
this wonderful small hometown community. I have five girls and we have been very active in agriculture
for many years; having raised sheep, goats (meat and dairy), rabbits, chickens, pigs, and alpacas. In
addition to our farm, we have all been active in 4-H and FFA (them as members and me as a leader
and advisor). Therefore, I understand many of the issues farmers may go through and am here to help
in whatever capacity I can to get their products to the market and in the hands of consumers. 

Questions? Comments? Please reach out below:

Phone: 541-838-0795

Stay in touch with what we’re up to on social media: